
What's Happening in Pennsylvania

In December of 2023 the Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission (PUC) published a proposed policy statement in the Pennsylvania Bulletin entitled “Electric Utility Rate Design for Electric Vehicle Charging.” The proposed policy statement encourages the development of rate structures for EV charging customers, including direct current fast charging operators. The Commission is evaluating the policy statement through Docket Number M-2023-3040755.

In response to the Commission’s call for comments CAP submitted a letter praising the Commission’s consideration of these important issues and recommending changes that would strengthen the policy statement. CAP’s primary recommendations were to incorporate a firm timeline and requirement within the policy statement for utilities to provide electric rates for EV charging that utilize alternatives to demand charges and to protect competition in Pennsylvania’s EV charging market by enacting policy to prevent electric utilities from competing unfairly in the EV charging market. CAP also submitted reply comments in this proceeding. The Commission is now reviewing the comments and a final version of the policy statement has not been released yet.


Your Voice Matters. This issue can’t wait – join today!

A change in public policy is needed to meet our country’s growing EV charging needs. To date, policies have largely been dictated by power companies. And the result has been great for utility companies but not for EV drivers and utility customers. To achieve a successful nationwide charging network, private businesses and consumers must have a seat at the table. It’s time that all stakeholders – from electricity consumers and EV drivers to transportation infrastructure businesses and related industries – be heard. Now is the time for us to charge ahead!