
What's Happening in Arizona

As electric vehicle (EV) adoption rates increase in Arizona, so does the need for a reliable and widespread charging network. Private investment is the key to building this network, but it is currently being constrained by the ability of power companies to participate in the EV charging market with advantages that private entities cannot hope to compete with and a rate structure that does not align with the realities of public EV charging.

In 2024 CAP supported Arizona Senate Bill 1637. This bipartisan legislation contained provisions which would help solve issues currently discouraging private investment in Arizona’s EV charging market. This bill would prohibit electric utilities from owning and operating EV charging stations. Under this legislation, if a utility wanted to get into the EV charging business, they could only do so through an unregulated subsidiary, without access to ratepayer funds. This bill passed the Senate Finance and Commerce Committee but did not make it to the Senate floor for a vote.

Key Provisions of SB 1637:

Would have prohibited electric utilities from owning and operating EV charging stations. 

Would have encouraged competitive and predictable rates for electricity used for EV charging.

The 2023 session saw the introduction of Senate Bill 1501 which would have helped address these issues currently discouraging private investment in Arizona’s EV charging market. This bill would have created a level playing field by preventing utilities from using ratepayer funds to own and operate EV charging stations and ensuring that utility affiliates operate under the same rates, terms and conditions as private entities. In addition to recognizing the importance of competitively neutral policies, the legislation also correctly identified that predictable and transparent rate structures, as opposed to demand charge pricing, are essential for private entities entering this nascent market. This bill passed the Commerce Committee but ultimately did not get a vote on the Senate Floor.


Your Voice Matters. This issue can’t wait – join today!

A change in public policy is needed to meet our country’s growing EV charging needs. To date, policies have largely been dictated by power companies. And the result has been great for utility companies but not for EV drivers and utility customers. To achieve a successful nationwide charging network, private businesses and consumers must have a seat at the table. It’s time that all stakeholders – from electricity consumers and EV drivers to transportation infrastructure businesses and related industries – be heard. Now is the time for us to charge ahead!