Louisiana considering key policies to spur EV charging market
A free market for EV charging could be emerging in Louisiana.
Louisiana’s Public Service Commission (the LPSC) has spent the better part of two years figuring out what role the state’s investor-owned utilities should play in the development of the EV charging marketplace. Nothing happens very quickly in Louisiana, but the regulators should be applauded for taking the time to hear from a wide array of stakeholders on the issue.
Numerous entities have urged the LPSC to prohibit power companies from taking over the charging market, as it leads to higher power bills for all customers and discourages private investment in EV charging.
In February, staff for the LPSC issued a recommendation to not allow Louisiana’s utilities to use ratepayer funds to build, own and operate charging stations. “Staff recommends that LPSC-jurisdictional utilities not be allowed to own, lease, operate or control EV charging stations,” the recommendation stated. If regulators follow staff’s advice, that would be a major step toward a competitive and open EV charging marketplace in Louisiana.
The comment period for this recommendation is open until March 29, and at some point after that the LPSC is expected to issue a final ruling.